Children’s House

A Love for Learning
A Love for Learning

Designed for children two and a half to six years old, the Children’s House program is truly a gift to your child. The learning environment offers children the opportunity to nurture their individual development while developing an experiential understanding of the value of interdependence. The result? Self-confidence, joy, and a lifelong love of learning. Scroll on to learn more about the program, to see a video about our Children's House, or take a 360° virtual tour of one of the classrooms.

Two Children's house children on the floor with a puzzle map

It's a Mixed Age Classroom

Because the curriculum is individualized, your child can work at their own pace while participating in a mixed age classroom community. Your younger child learns by observing the behavior and activities of the older children. Your older child gains self-confidence, leadership skills, and responsibility by setting an example for younger friends.

Child with unit blocks

The Gift of Choice

Your child will be introduced to a broad range of concepts and activities in individual and small group lessons. Your child gets to choose meaningful activities to explore, repeat, and perfect.
preschool child at a table working with watercolors
Child talking with guide

A Deep Connection 
Between Teacher and Child

Our AMI certified teachers chose this career because of their love for children and their dedication to Montessori. Their depth of training and knowledge is amplified by the joyful and deep relationship they develop with your child throughout their three- or four-year journey together.
Two children and guide with continents map

Child Centered 
(Not Teacher Centered)

Unlike conventional classrooms, where all children are expected to pay close attention to the teacher, our program does the opposite – the teacher is trained to closely observe your child’s interests, tendencies, and needs. You won’t see the teacher standing at the front of the classroom, but rather down at your child’s level, engaged with her or a small group.
two preschool children in safety goggles holding wooden letters they cut out with a saw
preschool child with arch building block lesson

Beautiful Hands-On Materials 
Help Your Child Learn

The scientifically designed Montessori materials help your child learn through hands-on use and exploration. Through continued use, she develops as a concrete understanding of abstract concepts, such as mathematics, providing a solid foundation for learning into the future.
children in rain gear, playing on rock

Group Activities and Play

While most of the day is spent in self-directed work, there are also times for group activity and play. The teacher may gather a group for songs or to tell stories about a cultural, scientific, or historical theme of interest. Ample time is also given to run, dig, explore, and play with friends outdoors.
children in rain gear, playing on rock
Smiiling child with units blocks

One Size Does Not Fit All

Instead of a top down curriculum based upon age, the teacher is trained to respect your child’s unique potential and connects him with the lesson best suited at that precise moment of development. Your child will be challenged according to his ability, not to a generic standard.
Child with book

The Children’s House

The teacher works to perfect the environment—in it, the children work to perfect themselves. Our teachers put tremendous care and attention to detail into the learning environments with their low shelves, beautiful artwork, books, and cultural items of interest to pique your child’s interest and stimulate her senses. The children respond by developing a sense of classroom ownership and a drive to care for their space, further deepening the bonds of the community and their quest to learn.

Child with book
Standing child and seated adult shaking hands

Essential Skills
For a Successful Life

The Children’s House classrooms are designed to help your child become his best self. Through “grace and courtesy” activities, we teach your child how to solve conflicts, how to act politely in social situations, and how to be kind and helpful to friends. Guides support children as they learn how to sustain focused and concentrated attention, think clearly and constructively, resolve conflicts peacefully, and express themselves through language and the arts.
Child writing on chalkboard

(Kindergarten Included)

Montessori is a continuum of education that allows your child to build upon experiences each year. They will stay in Children’s House for three (sometimes four) years, including the traditional “kindergarten year”—when the seeds of learning come to fruition. Throughout the Children’s House experience, reading and writing come to life from sounds and symbols. Children learn about the decimal system and begin working with the operations. Geometric figures and the political countries of our world become fascinating areas of exploration. They leave the program with a strong set of academic skills; but, far more importantly, with the attitude that learning is fun, exciting and boundless. At this point, your child is ready to move up to the Elementary Program, and join children from the ages of 6 to 12.

Child writing on lined chalkboard
Schedule a visit with Kehr, Director of Admissions

Learn More

We invite you to learn more about our school, our programs, and our community. Complete either form below, and our Director of Admissions will reach out to talk more about how MSB can benefit your family. 

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