When many of us think of our geometry education, we have thoughts of identifying shapes in kindergarten, and then taking a class or two in high school.
The truth is, children are fully capable, and enthusiastically prepared, to learn so much more at a much younger age. While we can’t possibly cover our entire curriculum in one short article, we’ll share some of the highlights. It begins (perhaps unsurprisingly) in our primary classrooms.
Geometric Solids
Pictured below, the geometric solids are our students’ first direct exposure to geometry. The solids are displayed on a shelf and are contained in a basket or tray. The adult invites the child to a lesson and asks them to retrieve the shapes. They then look at each one. The lesson may go something like this:
There are many fun extensions associated with this material. One favorite includes putting the solids in a mystery bag or using a blindfold so the child has to guess and identify by touch alone.
Geometry Cabinet
The geometry cabinet is used in primary and elementary classrooms, although differently in each. What begins as a lesson in identifying basic shapes and discerning between their sizes evolves into complex identification and blending of skills. Some of the skills this material helps us teach our students include:
Types of triangles (acute scalene, acute isosceles, right scalene, right isosceles, obtuse scalene, and obtuse isosceles)
Constructive Triangles
Beginning during the primary years and continuing through the younger elementary years, the constructive triangle boxes are another child favorite. A series of boxes teaches a variety of concepts.
Classified Nomenclature
Once some of the more basic skills have been mastered by the child, they move on to engage with the classified nomenclature. As with all other Montessori work, this is a step toward abstraction. They are no longer relying heavily on the wooden materials they can hold and manipulate, rather they are using drawings, booklets, charts, and labels.
This work can become rather in-depth and continues into the older elementary years. A very broad overview of skills includes:
These studies are not short lessons like the child has experienced previously. They are multi-layered and can take months to complete. For example, the study of angles may begin during the first years of elementary, but continue periodically until the child reaches sixth grade. Concepts include:
Beyond all these amazing materials, it’s important to note that there is a lot of crossover when it comes to Montessori subjects. One perfect example is a favorite grammar work called the Detective Triangle Game. While its main intention is to practice using correct adjectives, this is done by way of sorting a multitude of triangles, with different colors, types, and angles.
Want to learn more? Please reach out if you have any specific questions and want to have a conversation. As always, we believe the best way to truly understand what goes on in a Montessori classroom is to sit quietly and observe in one. Contact us today to schedule a visit.
© 2024 The Montessori School of the Berkshires
PO Box 422, 21 Patterson Road, Lenox Dale, MA 01242